Apply with Sanity

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In Case You Missed It, October

Thank you for visiting Apply with Sanity. It's been up for a month now! In case you weren't here from day one, here's a run-down of what's been covered in the blog so far:

I explained what this site is all about, and why.

I wrote about expanding the way you think about your college search.

I explained why you don't deserve a scholarship.

I talked about joy and pleasure.

I advised you to prepare for your admissions freak-out now.

I gave some tips on preparing for an interview.

I explained why you should not take an SAT prep course.

I explained why it's okay write about yourself freely in your admissions essays.

A financial planner explained how and why to talk to your family about money.

Two college students explained how they made some tough decisions about college.

I explained why your college will not stop asking you for donations--this one includes a link to a funny video.


And that's just the blog! There are also sections on the Five Fundamentals of Applying with Sanity, a how-to section, and an answer to the question "What should I be doing right now?"

Please share this with someone you think will enjoy or benefit from Apply to Sanity.

Photo by Angela Elisabeth Portraits