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Tyra is having mixed emotions

Tyra is beginning her winding down of high school. There are still months to go, but she’s already looking ahead to college and beginning to relax. Not all seniors are at this point so early in the year, but many will get to this point soon. Read the full interview below.

Meet the Class gets updated each month from September to May. Each installment features an interview about both the facts and the feelings of where the student is in the process.

Interviews may be edited lightly for clarity and grammar. Names may be changed to protect privacy. 

Tyra attends a public high school in Iowa

How were your holidays? Do you feel rested and ready for the rest of the school year?

The holidays were fine, and I am starting to get the mixed emotions about senior year. Like I am extremely happy to graduate but at the same time I am sad to leave everything that I know behind. As for rested, today was my first day back and I am completely shot and beyond tired.

You're still on track for the vet tech program? Can you tell me the school? What--other than finish high school--do you need to do to be prepared for the program? Are there any other requirements or classes? Anything for you to do this spring or summer for that?

I am excited to attend Iowa Lakes Community College for their veterinary technician program. I am on track and will take four total college-level classes that will get me credits for my degree this year already. So then once I am into my first term I will only have vet tech classes, which I think will be a huge load off of my back. I need to save some money to go dorm room shopping, that’s for sure. I have barely anything bought yet and need to make a list.

Assuming you're set on that being your school, reflect on the past five months: do you have any regrets? Have you gained any wisdom you can share? Is it what you expected it to be?

I would not say I have any regrets, I am just happy to be a senior. I have been making friends with underclassmen who I generally do not like and can say I have learned a thing or two about their generation and how it’s much different than mine.

What does your spring semester look like? How's your school holding up?

As for this semester, I have an extremely light load and plan to use my time in order to just relax and soak up the rest of my high school career. My school is holding up well I would say, there are not too many new cases and the Covid vaccine just made its way into our small town.

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Photo by Angela Elisabeth.

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