Breya attends a public high school in Ohio


Have you made a commitment to a college? Where did you choose?

I made a commitment to the University of Michigan with the backup of Ohio State, depending on how much I get in scholarships at the end of the year.

How did you make your final decision? What were the factors you considered, and what was the deciding factor?

The University of Michigan has everything I want in a college. It is out-of-state, has an amazing study abroad program, and I was offered a spot in the Summer Bridge program, so I would have a opportunity to earn more college credits before actually starting college. Out-of-state and affordability were basically my deciding factors.

How does it feel to be finished with college admissions?

It feels nice to be done because it was extremely stressful for me as I don’t really have a support system so I went through a lot of it by myself.

If a current high school junior asked you for a single piece of advice, what would you tell them?

I would tell them to make sure they hold themselves accountable, especially if they have no support system. It will make life way easier and make sure that you are on top of everything.

What have you got left in terms of high school? Is there still a lot going on, or do you get to coast and relax a little bit?

Next week, I have my Phlebotomy exam, along with my AP Chem exam and club photos for the yearbook. I would say that I still have a lot to do before I get to relax.

What are your summer plans?

I plan on working this summer and attending the Summer Bridge program for the University of Michigan. I also plan on preparing myself for college, outside of academics. I also want to enjoy my hobbies more.

Breya’s previous interviews:







