Eddie attends a public high school in California



[I haven’t heard from Eddie since this first interview. I’ll update if he responds to new questions.]

Tell me about your high school. Around how many students does it have? Is it public, private? A magnet school or one with any special focus?

I go to a 9-12 public HS located in the Bay Area. There are around 2,200 students and we are technically our district’s art magnet school, so we have our own theatre and a multitude of art programs. However, it isn’t that huge of our culture and in a sense we are just a normal high school with more art programs.

Have you already started school for the year? When did you begin or will you begin? Are you on campus, online only, or hybrid? How’s it going for you?

I started school 1.5 weeks ago and so far it has been alright. I guess I’m ambivalent about it. I’m not going to talk about what I’m missing out on, since I think we probably already know. Instead, I’ll focus on things I’ve been able to do that normally I wouldn’t have. We are fully online, and probably will be so for the entire school year.

I’ve been able to go running every day and jog for a nice three miles to just relax and destress. Also, I’ve been able to focus a lot more time on college apps and study things I’m more interested in, like reading books (fiction only please LOL).

I’ve also been able to expand creatively, learning some new digital design/editing skills that I would have no time for if school was normal.

How much of a focus is college for your peers? What’s the mood of the senior class right now?

I go to a highly competitive Bay Area school, so for most of my peers as well as me, college is of the highest priority. The mood of the senior class would probably be described better in a situation.

You know that feeling when you didn’t do something but it’s super important and now you are doing it last minute? That’s what is happening for us as we stress together about grades/test scores/essays/college apps in general.

How are you feeling about the college admissions season coming up? How prepared do you feel for all that’s going to be asked of you?

I feel well prepared, since I brainstormed and wrote most of my essays over the summer, and I’m ready to apply and polish up my applications as I get ready. I feel most prepared to just get it done, since I’ve always liked writing, putting the words down like stroke of ink on a paper. It’s almost mesmerizing, seeing the text slowly appear line by line, your thought being transcribed digitally on the screen. Of course, writing is a challenge as well, since most people probably don’t do any real soul searching throughout their life. We lie to ourselves and tell ourselves what we want to think, but writing a personal statement challenges you to lift the veil and analyze the thoughts underneath.

Have you taken an SAT or ACT lately? Do you expect to be submitting test scores for applications?

I took the SAT twice, but was unable to receive the score I wanted. However, I am taking the ACT once in Oct. If it doesn’t work out,  I will probably not submit test scores at all. However, since UC’s have just been told that they have to be test blind, I’m not too worried about the whole testing process.

How complete is your college list right now? What schools are you already sure you’ll apply to? What else is currently on your list, even if you may drop it from your list?

My college list is mostly finalized and set, with maybe a slight variance in schools from my final application list. Schools I’m thinking of applying to are the top 7 UC’s, NYU Stern, UMich Ross, CMU Tepper, USC, UVA, BC, BU, NEU, and I’m actually also applying to UK schools (Cambridge, LSE, UCl, ICL, City College). However, I’m still debating some schools so it’s a work in progress.

What are you looking for in a college? What’s most important to you?

When I apply to the college, I value the education, the social life, the connections, and the location. In fact, location is a large aspect for me. I’m an extroverted person, and being able to broaden my horizons, both intellectually and culturally, is an important factor in my college experience. Lastly, as a business/econ major, connections are vital to a successful career, so I’m looking forward to a school that will provide me with the paths to a job/internship throughout college.

Have you been on any college campuses, either for a tour or for any other reason? How familiar/comfortable are you with being on a college campus?

Unfortunately, I have never really visited any campuses, nor did I ever really plan to. I’m someone who adapts easily to new environments so I don’t see any huge challenge in adapting to new area. However, this may seem ironic, for someone who is extremely picky about location and where they want to go.

Are you a first-generation college student? 

I am not. My parents both received their degrees from top universities in China.

Is college something that’s expected for you, or does it feel like more of an option?

College definitely feels like something that is expected of me, but I don’t feel like it’s a burden. Instead, it feels more like a chapter in life that I just have to overcome. Once you read past that chapter, you can take the knowledge and further your own understanding of life and keep on advancing and pursuing your interests.

Is there anything you currently don’t know about the college application process that you wish you did?

I wish I knew what colleges are really like. Sure colleges hold webinars, but once again it’s a veil. They show you the best side of themselves. But I want to see the dark side. The shadow that they don’t show you. Being able to hear person experiences is something I really enjoy, so I want to understand those as well.

Is there anything else about you that would be important or interesting to know?

I like designing/art/photography which lowkey clashes with my business/quantitative personality. However, it’s a hobby, not a profession for me.