If you're in the Houston area and would like one-on-one college admissions coaching, contact me!
I have a six-session package that covers the entire process:
Getting to know you
Getting to understand your needs and expectations for college
Helping you talk to your family about money and understand the financial terrain
Making a usable College Mission Statement
Thinking through, drafting, and revising an admissions essay
Putting together a list of colleges for consideration.
The sessions are tailored to your situation and needs. The cost for the package is $1,200. Most students begin in their junior year.
If you have specific needs and don't want the whole package, we can work together on an hourly basis for $150/hour. This includes feedback and editing for essays and writing prompts!
I only work with a handful of clients at a time, and I won’t be taking any more until early 2020. Let me know if you'd like more information or a free preliminary meeting.