In case you missed it, December and January

Thanks for visiting Apply with Sanity. Now that you're back in the groove with the second half of the school year, here's a peek at what you may have missed over the winter.

I interviewed a college student about her path to becoming a double major.

I recommended two books by one of my favorite nonfiction writers.

I gave some tips for what to do over the winter break, as well as updating the What Should I Be Doing Now? section for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

I talked about some of the emotions your family might be going through right now as you're getting ready to leave high school.

I advised you on how to ask a college for a larger financial aid package.

I reminded you that your career path will likely involve more than one career, with examples of people who have made some big changes.

I revealed what I learned from talking to a college Dean of Admission and Enrollment.

I put out a call for seniors to share their wisdom.

I told you how to say Thank You.

I'll continue updating the site several times a week, so please let me know your thoughts, questions, and suggestions.